I may be crazy but I traded my Tenere for a new BMW R1200RT

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Active Member
Mar 17, 2013
Dallara said:
First, let's clarify one thing...

I didn't get the ECUnleashed re-flash to correct any of the fueling issues you claim you have. I didn't have any "stumble" or "surge" that you have complained of so often, or at least I never noticed any. No, I got my initial Gen 1 ECUnleashed re-flash to eliminate the 1-3 gear throttle butterfly restrictions. I wasn't looking for more power, or to correct any surging or stumbles, but I simply wanted full control of the throttle instead of having some programmer nanny at Yamaha deciding how much to open the throttle butterflies in the lower gears. That's why I was never disappointed with the Gen 1 re-flash as some were. They were looking for big power gains and didn't get 'em, but they were also the ones who didn't pay attention to what the Gen 1 re-flash was designed to do. With the Gen 2 re-flash folks finally got the *perception* of big power increases, but as ECU-savvy folks like AVC will tell you, that's only because ECUnleashed made the throttle butterfly *ramping* more aggressive.

But enough about that... Don't go painting me with your own brush. I didn't have any problem with the "fueling" of my Super Ten - just didn't like the idea of the throttle restrictions, and that's why I got a re-flash.

Now, if you will ever read carefully - which you seriously seem to be unable to do - I have never been one to "piss on" *ANY* other marque. I've only called them as I've seen 'em. I was a KTM dealer, and their parts supply issues, unwillingness to take care of the warranty needs of my customers, their slowness to pay me for warranty work, and their product breaking down on literally every customer I sold one to finally caused me to terminate my sales agreement with them. They were the most arrogant, unfair, and obnoxious vehicle company I ever dealt with in all my years as a dealer. They made American and Japanese companies look like charities that showered dealers and customers with money. Hence, I don't care for them.

As for BMW, the ones I've owned have been pure nightmares, just like others have reported here as to their own experience with them. They break more than they should, and when they do you're in for a fight with them over it if it's under warranty - and even if it's a known and acknowledged problem, even by them. It also seems that lately BMW's are the only bikes I ever seem to work on by the side of the road, helping folks who are broke down. Decades ago it was Harley's, but now your rarely see a broke down H-D, but broke down Beemers are so common they have become a cliche.

As for posting the info about the current rear shock recall, etc... Two things.

One, it should be posted, particularly when the OP is considering getting one. Don't you think he deserves to know about that? Look back in the thread. I first congratulated him on his new bike, and mentioned I thought it was the best bike BMW builds. It was only later, when the news of this latest disastrous recall came out, that I posted anything else. And isn't it funny how the OP, after learning about that recall, has now decided to perhaps re-think his purchase...

Second, please note that I was one of the very first ones, if not the first, to post here about Yamaha's recalls on the Super Tenere. I'm an equal opportunity reporter when it comes that sort of thing. I got all the recall documents, NHTSA documents, etc. on the headlamp recall and posted them here on this board for all to see. So it's not just BMW recalls I mention on this board.

Last, but not least... You have "slammed" a lot more about the Super Tenere than just the "fueling/engine management". Just recently you were reveling in your rants about how you think Yamaha doesn't know how to design or implement a gear indicator, and how BMW did such a better job. Likewise your mention of the Super Tenere being deficient because it didn't have self-canceling turn signals, that it's switch gear was not as wonderful as BMW's, etc., etc. For the most part I only see you speak poorly of the Super Tenere, and yet wildly praise BMW. And you are certainly the first to fly to BMW's defense any time anyone so much as whispers a discouraging word about a BMW. Honestly, you seem to have so much disdain for Yamaha and the Super Tenere I have sometimes pondered why you even own one. OTOH, you seem to dearly love your BMW's, and for that I'm glad you own them. If they make you happy, great! But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to love them, too.

As for your last post above... Hell, just once I'd like to see you "discuss the merits of the Tenere"! ::025::


This is what I call a seriously honest conversation:. Passionate, factual, and balanced.

Old Blue

Founding Member
2014 Site Supporter
Dec 6, 2010
Coastal Bend of Texas
I hope you enjoy your new BMW! They are beautiful bikes.

I took some heat a couple years ago when I bought a Harley Road King. Same kind of detractors putting down the brand and my choice. Meh piss on 'em. That thing was awesome! Hope your BMW is too.


New Member
Jun 9, 2014
SLC Utah
I bought a 2008 BMW RT new, I road most of New England, and loved it,,,,I road one week from Utah to the pan handle in Florida in Dec, up the east coast from Newport News to Boston, I loved it,,,, Then came my ride from the East coast to Utah and across RT70,,,THE WIND on my left side from the south lasted 3 days,,,, I was blown all over the highway and noticed on a repeated basis Harleys passing me in the wind with less problems, maybe because of less plastic,, my other problem was I bought the low seat and on long distance rides it hurt my hip permently,,I should have stuck to normal seat even though I have to tip toe at stops on the normal seat height, I bought a Goldwing next,,, after about 23,000 miles on each,, I want Tenere,,, Will I like it and WHY? I do plan to do some dirt roads,, My advice the RT is great except for highwind areas,, like Wyoming to the end of Kansas.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
I test-rode a 2014 R1200RT. Good power, good wind protection, good handling.

If you can still go through with the deal knowing about this recall then you clearly have what it takes to be a BMW owner. ::008::


New Member
Mar 10, 2014
Central FL
Congrats on your purchase... enjoy!

I traded my '99 BMW R1100RT (125k miles) for the Tenere. BMWs are excellent road touring motorcycles. For me, it was just a matter of wanting an off-road motorcycle without the expense of a BMW GS.


2014 Site Supporter
Oct 30, 2013
Portland, OR
BillPacific said:
I was blown all over the highway and noticed on a repeated basis Harleys passing me in the wind with less problems, maybe because of less plastic,,
The 350ish lbs of extra ballast on the harley makes a huge difference.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Lindenhurst, NY
I was considering the 2014 GS but its $2500 more that the 2014 ES (similarly equiped) PLUS Yamaha is offering $1200 free accessories now plus an additioanl one year warrenty. So I will be using the $1200 for Yamaha saddlebags. BMW bags go for another $1500. So now add up the savings and it comes to $4000 plus the extra tax on top of that.

Also last year, I read a Consumer Reports magazine that rated BMW as the most unreliably bike but Yamaha came in first.

I also agree with the lack of a good Dealer network. I have only one on Long Island and it has a very bad rep.

Can't wait to pick up my 2014 ES!!!


New Member
Founding Member
Sep 11, 2010
I going out of town Wednesday -Sunday with wife who has been healing from a round of chemo and radiation treatments for colon cancer.
Not going to worry about the deal, if when I back and they do not have a date for the fix I will think about killing the deal. I will get ride a Goldwing might even rent for the weekend. With her illness we are thinking of getting in a few road trips as soon as possible in case in 6 months they find another cancer. So a good bike for two up is important and I still want a bike that is fun. Was thinking the RT would fill the bill. Lots of great bikes and I am pretty open to any but cruisers.


2013 Site Supporter
2014 Site Supporter
Jan 3, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Have a nice trip with your wife. I too hope she has a full and complete recovery.


Ungenear to broked stuff
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2011 Site Supporter
Mar 7, 2011
Damascus, MD
Truly sorry to hear about the medical issue.

Maybe this bike thing can be something fun to focus on and do together to get her mind on something different. There are a number of great touring bikes available and the hunt of shopping can be an entertainment in itself. (especially fer dem wimenz) And the person in the back has a totally different ride than us in front.

You as a couple have an opportunity to try the different rides that are available and even rent. You mentioned your aversion to cruisers, but I hope this doesn't knock out a few of the baggers that we as solo riders might forget, like the HD UltraGlide, big Victory, and Indian. Passengers love them and the more she rides, the more she shares, and the better you two are.

And sorry if you (hopefully) already know this, for 2-up, it's a totally better ride with intercoms, especially for the passenger.


New Member
Jan 25, 2014
Dorset, UK
I put 100,000 miles on a R1100RT back in the day. other than a few reliability issues (particularly towards the end of my ownership) it served me well and my wife and I did some touring on it. She found it very comfortable.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2013
Burlington, WI
Kenbike, First and most important my thoughts and prayers are with you. I had colonrectal cancer in 2011. Did the radiation, surgery, and chemo. I'm still here. If there is anything, and I mean anything or any way that I can be of help to you and your wife please let me know. PM may be better, a bit more private. It is amazing what you have to learn on your own! Pick your bike on what suits your wife best or you won't get anywhere far. Trust me things change! I test rode a Goldwing F6B a year ago and loved it. If it had cruise I would own one! I was throwing it around like it was a sportbike and actually only slowed down to 70 in a downpour(oops). It is amazing how much better the bike feels than a regular Goldwing. Sending a pm.
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