F...THIS CORONA RIDE. New Braunfels Texas


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
If anyone up for it. I'm riding on Saturday 3-28. nothing fast just leisurely pace. start at Buccees in New Braunfels, to river road, purgatory road, devils back bone, to 473 sister dale to luckenbach, then loop back towards blanco. start about 9 a.m. ill be on a Blue Tenere. if i see ya i see ya


Why in the heck would you post this? 32% of all cases of the COVID- 19 in your city are due to travel. Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff has ordered all Bexar County residents to remain at home, except for essential travel and needs. What a horrible idea promoting this ride during a time of crises.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
For what ever reason(s), I've seen more traffic on the roads....than before this all started. The local State Park was packed, and there was a line to get in. Dallas & Tarrant Counties have a shelter in place. Apparently, they all came to Johnson County, just south of both counties. I don't agree with LE stopping a person to see if they have a valid reason to be on the street(s). Stopping US citizens, and asking them for their papers....anybody else get a chill? That being said, people need to grow the f**k up, and stay in their house, and not spread the bug around.


Mar 18, 2017
A lot of people think covid-19 is some kind of joke. I work in a hospital and let me tell you, it is no joke. When the autorities tell people to stay home, it is no joke. We want to stop this virus and it is people like you who make our job that much harder. We don't need you to get sick and spread the virus and we don't need you to crash and need to be rescued by people who already are overstressed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
buda texas
I say ride ride ride...... as of Tuesday last, Texas had 410 confirmed cases and 11 deaths ,and again out of 30 plus million people . nation wide less than 15 k cases with 520 deaths out of 330 milion people . I receive a official report every day from the state of Texas with the stats (the stats are behind the trends ) I have never been impressed with nelson Wolfe ..... just another politician ( thats me too ) trying to keep his name relevant .... city of Austin has the same rules in effect city buses are running and putting complete strangers side by side to get were ever they are going. and a bus has to be a Petri dish of biological terror , buses are running so I guess not. they talk out of both sides of their heads , most are using this crisis as a way to make a name for them selves . they have America locked down , a ride is as safe as a city of Austin bus , freedom is about choice , no choice no freedom ..... I'm riding my bike to work this morning , and I'm working in Austin all day. my boss told me I am on assignment for the next 30 days with no time off sun up till sun down I will be on the job..... I will have to work Saturday if im off I will ride . after this lock down and its still going on , what another 14 days even more draconian . so ride if you got them.
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My point is if you are going to ride, keep it on the down low and be fully self contained.

For what ever reason(s), I've seen more traffic on the roads....than before this all started. The local State Park was packed, and there was a line to get in. Dallas & Tarrant Counties have a shelter in place. Apparently, they all came to Johnson County, just south of both counties. I don't agree with LE stopping a person to see if they have a valid reason to be on the street(s). Stopping US citizens, and asking them for their papers....anybody else get a chill? That being said, people need to grow the f**k up, and stay in their house, and not spread the bug around.
I'm noticing this too!! Cars parked outside of the parks around home and way more than 10 people in social gatherings next to each other. How about some home exercise. Just before the order came down I was only going out for essentials anyway.

I watched a YouTube video made the other day of guys riding trails in the mountains. It was freeking insane!! Dozens of jeeps bumper to bumper on the trails. It was a damn jamboree. Guys drinking beers, next to each other, spotting the jeeps. Then posting this crap on social media! I don't think hardly anyone is taking this seriously.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2018
SE Idaho
The only bumper to bumper I’ve seen is the drive through. Going for a motorcycle ride seems pretty low risk to me. Standing in a line of 800 other people checking out at Costco seems high risk.

I live in a rural area. I feel fo those in large cities. My wife works in an “essential “ business. Which is good for financial reasons, but bad for risk of transmission.

Be safe out there wherever you are.


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
if you dont want to come.....dont......im not going to get into stats IE H1N1 DEATHS, YEARLY FLU DEATHS ETC. this is a ride through the country, no one said meet up for the orgy. no one will be shaking hands rubbing up on each other. even the state said you can go out for a walk, run, exercise. if you go to HEB, WALMART, BUCCEES, TARGET, you will be in closer proximity than a group of people riding their bikes. this is merely a chance for some like minded folks to get together at a distance. and enjoy the day and not think about all this over hyped BS..... THAT IS ALL NOW BACK TO YOUR PROGRAM.......


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Sep 21, 2010
West Virginia, USA
Stopping US citizens, and asking them for their papers....anybody else get a chill?
Yep, and I've been given a letter to show in that circumstance. I find the whole think hard to wrap my brain around.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
What was that saying? Something about if you don't remember the past, you're doomed to repeat it? I remember a certain country from the past that did that to it's citizens....:eek:
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if you dont want to come.....dont......im not going to get into stats IE H1N1 DEATHS, YEARLY FLU DEATHS ETC. this is a ride through the country, no one said meet up for the orgy. no one will be shaking hands rubbing up on each other. even the state said you can go out for a walk, run, exercise. if you go to HEB, WALMART, BUCCEES, TARGET, you will be in closer proximity than a group of people riding their bikes. this is merely a chance for some like minded folks to get together at a distance. and enjoy the day and not think about all this over hyped BS..... THAT IS ALL NOW BACK TO YOUR PROGRAM.......
Yep, it's guys like you who think it's overhyped. You are willing to take an illegal, and unnecessary risk passing this around. Not to mention you are directly disobeying a direct order from your own governor and local elected officials. I choose to do the right thing and minimize risk.
Mar 26, 2020
guys, the virus is not a joke, here in italy they have closed everything, all the non-essential activities have been closed, no one can leave the house if not to do the shopping .. it is not a joke

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Very true Marco! Unfortunately there are very selfish people in this world who have complete disregard for anyone but themselves.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2018
Denver, CO
I did not ride today so I saw my neighbor's 87 year old parents stop by to visit there daughter-in-law and HS and college grandchildren. They have left now and gone home to there high end retirement center home to share.

Lone riders whose only contact is a gas pump are not enemy #1. No I did not run out and yell at those old selfish people but you wonder why?
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