DANGER is only two letters away from DANG (does that make it three letters away from ANGER)
Seriously, I appreciate a lot of your comments. I'm an old dude at 73, but rode a lot of carburated bikes from 1965-1972 (two Honda scramblers, a Triumph T100SC, a Harley Sprint Scrambler, two Bultacos and a Yamaha RT1 360 Enduro). That RT1 was stolen while I was in class at UTexas in summer of 1972. I went from then until Dec 2017 without a ride, mostly at the behest of my medical professional wife, when I picked up a Yamaha SCR950. That thing seemed awfully heavy at 554 lbs dry, but the nearest comparison was my T100SC that only weighed 335 lbs dry. The SCR exhibited many of the same bad behaviors as the ST until I added an intake, V&H competition exhaust and an Ivan reflash; I did them all at the same time, so I can't detail the individual impacts, but they woke the sleeping giant up. Still, it seemed a lot of work trying to ride it at highway speeds with only its 5 speed box; beast of an in-town bike, but reluctant to get into full stride on the open road. Three months ago, the SCR morphed into a 2013 ST with 5600 miles and I couldn't be happier (or at least not until I reflash her and add an appropriate exhaust). Relevant to this string, the reflash seemd to fix so many of the shortcomings of the factory tune, but I generally averaged 4-5 fewer mpg after the changes; how much was due to which of my tweaks is unknown, but it was cheaper and a lot more fun than going to a dentist for a vastly improved smile in the saddle.