Swamp Crotch - Fresh Balls


New Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sheridan , Wyoming 82801
Good mornin on ya ,
Ok , get the laughing and snickering over with and lets get serious . This humorously funny but very informative article ( http://www.artofmanliness.com/2013/08/13/preventing-swamp-crotch/ ) was posted in The Art Of Manliness a little while back.
I got to thinking this would be a great motorcycle topic as well . Most of us ride on hot days and wear our safety gear ( helmets , jackets , boots etc... ) . I don't know about some of you guys , but I tend to sweat a lot in summer . When your skin sweats and gets moist it starts to break down causing chaffing , rashes and in some cases Jock Itch .
I read this guys article and wanted to find out for myself if his top pick for keeping you dry around the groin area really works. So I ordered a 3 pack of "Fresh Balls" from Amazon last week and got it in on Friday . Saturday a friend of mine asked my wife and I to go riding with him in the Bighorn Mountains and of course we said yes . Perfect chance to try out this new product: Fresh Balls .
It was pretty toasty yesterday ( Saturday ) and on days like that when I've ridden in the past I usually sweat a lot all over . So this time I applied Fresh Balls liberally after I got out of the shower and dried off good . Then we went riding for the day. Well , to my surprise it worked ! Fresh Balls did exactly what it claims to do , it kept my groin area dry for the whole ride .
If your one of the many men who sweat a lot sitting on a leather saddle riding in the hot sun , give this product a try. It worked very well on me and made for a much for comfortable ride.
