San Diego road rage murder


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2014
Solothurn, Switzerland
The mind boggles. Still, it is the times we live in, and people think the law cannot touch them and others (motorcyclists) think they are invincible. When in a dispute with a car/truck driver, as a motorcyclist you have the ability and speed to just get away, do so, the only law you break is a traffic law, but you live.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Los Alamos, new Mexico
The world has gone mad and ain't getting any better fellas!! >:D
But like we all haven't seen it coming 40 or so years ago.

You can't find one TV show on now that doesn't have something to do with Hate, murder, deranged killers, gangster glorification, complete stupidity, Sex, kartashian's teaching girls how to be trash, do I need to go on?

Oh! But the Economy and unemployment is doing well.. :-X

I will take Fred McFeely Rogers any day.. :mad:


Mar 22, 2015
At 56 I agree with Ramseybella between TV and the Internet ideas get put into stupid people heads that they couldn't have come up with on their own. Guy talking about putting wire across the road because of motorcycles is just sad to me it's a shame NSA doesn't have time to track people like that down. Worlds getting crazier everyday .im going back to watching the Andy Griffith Show


Active Member
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2014 Site Supporter
Dec 13, 2013
San Diego
I'm guessing that lane splitting was a factor in this incident. I assume that most riders in California are aware that a bill to finally define and legalize lane splitting was passed in the state Assembly and is moving on to the Senate. One of the things bolstering that effort is a study that showed bikers are safer when lane splitting than when not:

Interesting stuff. Hopefully the bill will pass and become law here. But if they do that they really need to back it up with a PSA campaign to educate the public on it. And they also need to vigorously enforce the law and bust the idiots who violate the new parameters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Los Alamos, new Mexico
Expflier said:
At 56 I agree with Ramseybella between TV and the Internet ideas get put into stupid people heads that they couldn't have come up with on their own. Guy talking about putting wire across the road because of motorcycles is just sad to me it's a shame NSA doesn't have time to track people like that down. Worlds getting crazier everyday .im going back to watching the Andy Griffith Show
Funny you mentioned wire across the road.
Back when I was 13 we had a trail that went around this farmers Orange orchard in Florida that we would ride our dirt bikes.
The farmer did just that I was not riding with my pals that day but a friend Ronny and his buddy went riding and as you can guess being it was at head level what went down.
The farmer went to prison for manslaughter, my other friend Ronny had to have counseling for a couple years.
He still rode and became a skilled MX rider, He road for a local Honda dealership and dedicated every race to his friend he lost.

This did happen in the 70's as well just not as much as now.


Oct 21, 2012
Chesterfield, Derbyshire UK
One of my all time favourite movies is Mike Judges "Idiocracy". Oh how I laugh at the way it cleverly portrays a hilarious vision of a future, where the utterly dimwitted have crawled from the shallowest end of the gene pool and go on to inherit the earth. When I read stories like this though, I stop laughing and begin to feel a very deep sense of foreboding. :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Los Alamos, new Mexico
:mad: Millennials are starting to get under my skin!
I work in Los Alamos, NM this place is like no other.
It's like some continuous never-ending experiment, the young population (millennials mostly) have no desire to work, interact other than texting or face book nor do they show any remorse and admit to any guilt no matter how obvious it is.

Now I am not saying all of them but this is a small town and own a small business and my wife has hired at least a dozen people who show no skills but think they are masters of it.
The local businesses depend on illegals for help because of this, not me I would rather close shop.

Freaking Children of the Corn!


Ungenear to broked stuff
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2011 Site Supporter
Mar 7, 2011
Damascus, MD
Ramseybella said:
:mad: Millennials are starting to get under my skin!
I work in Los Alamos, NM this place is like no other.
It's like some continuous never-ending experiment, the young population (millennials mostly) have no desire to work, interact other than texting or face book nor do they show any remorse and admit to any guilt no matter how obvious it is.

Now I am not saying all of them but this is a small town and own a small business and my wife has hired at least a dozen people who show no skills but think they are masters of it.
The local businesses depend on illegals for help because of this, not me I would rather close shop.

Freaking Children of the Corn!

In the idea that there's nothing new under the sun, I think Hitler had some very similar observations.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Los Alamos, new Mexico
Checkswrecks said:
In the idea that there's nothing new under the sun, I think Hitler had some very similar observations.
Can you shed some light on your comment please?

My dad didn't like my choice of music and my long hair, he liked my Suzuki GT750 until I strapped on a set of Bassani Expansion chambers and fired them up in the garage. :p
Could be why I am half def now ( Racing in a gaggle or two strokers and no ear protection, and standing in front of a Marshall stack in bands).
But I never disrespected him to much and did apply myself to pay a bit of attention to some of his wisdom and I damn sure knew when I got caught at a lie and admitted to it or just stepped up to the plate and plead guilty when I knew my plot was doomed.

I guess my point is yes! I wined when I had my first job I dragged my feet taking out the garbage I didn't always take advice.
But I was 15 years old and knew how far I could push it.
These folks are in there mid 20's some posses that thousand yard stare over your shoulder of I don't GAS about you or the deer caught in the headlight look of cluelessness, but I know everything.

The world has turned into another new Animal of the fittest, it's not about how you can earn your keep by working hard it's about how to get others to earn it for you the easy way and blame the other guy for your mistake.

My parent's where first generation Italian and Spanish born American. My grand parents knew right off, learn the language and get a good education to prosper well in the country you moved to period no exceptions.

I have a theory on all of the first part of my rant. ::)

The short take>>

Foremost: COMMON SENSE!!

Take the thread on how our motorcycles are causing the pollution in Washington state. Or how Cow farts are causing global warming.
Some of the faithful followers simply are dead believers of this theory! really?

Now plug that information into a 5 year old and nurture that theory along with other theory's over the years (by the faithful followers, VIA some public schools and some collage professors) and see what the results will be in 20 or 25 years.

And I am a voter of neither party to be honest.

Hitler indeed, it's called controlled brain washing and like Lemmings they followed him into total destruction.

Although the Lemming theory has been long disproved, I used it as a metaphor. :)

All this can be used for good or for the bad, children are like little tape recorders and the tracks you lay down can affect the outcome down the road.
Parent's are responsible for what is being recorded and if others are recording please take the time to play it back from time to time.
Ask questions, your kid's our your mini you, do the best you can for them.

I think way to much on moral values but not as much as some may think, it to me is the right way and the honorable way.

Time for a road trip!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2014
North Carolina
We as a species have been complaining about the upcoming generation since there was an upcoming generation. We want to believe that we are somehow better than them, always forgetting the fact that our parents used to bitch and moan about how lazy/dumb/entitled/self-absorbed our generation was. And we were. And so was our parents' generation, and our grandparents' generation. We tend to forget that our lazy/dumb/entitled/self-absorbed kids are also the ones who have to deal with problems our generation and the ones before us created; frankly, I'd hate to be a 20 year old right now, facing a lifetime of crippling student loans, weak job prospects, roller coaster economy, etc. And the funny thing is that I already hear my 25 year old niece complaining about "kids today"!

We age, we become increasingly irrelevant, and we look at the next generation as usurpers of our domination. It's natural to resent them. But one of those lazy entitled kids may be the one who comes up with a cure for whatever is going to kill me before my time, so I try to keep an open mind, even if he does have a nose ring and has his face buried in a smart phone.

Here's a sampling of some of those "you kids today" type articles, if you're interested:

Now get off my lawn!


Ungenear to broked stuff
Staff member
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2011 Site Supporter
Mar 7, 2011
Damascus, MD
First off, I think you know that I meant no offense. Much as RC caught, I was remarking that we all think that other people don't recognize, or appreciate.

So in answer to your question about how I made the comment you wrote "It's like some continuous never-ending experiment, the young population (millennials mostly) have no desire to work, interact other than texting or face book nor do they show any remorse and admit to any guilt no matter how obvious it is.
Now I am not saying all of them but this is a small town and own a small business and my wife has hired at least a dozen people who show no skills but think they are masters of it
The local businesses depend on illegals for help because of this, not me I would rather close shop.

Freaking Children of the Corn!"

There were two bridges in what you wrote to make me think of Hitler (I lived in Germany 35 years ago). One is that Steven King's children of the corn overthrew and killed their parents on behalf of a monster. You couldn't have picked a better analogy, because Hitler was ALL about getting youth to follow him to the point of turning their parents in if the parents were not true to the party. Obviously, he was the monster.

The other mental bridge was that in at least one of Hitler's speeches (maybe also in Mein Kampf?) he went on at length about how corrupt society had gotten, people had become lazy, demonized non-Aryans, etc. Every time I hear people bitch about the next generation I think of him going on.

The thing is that Hitler probably stole the idea like he did so many others. He actually started out a Christian before he became a starving artist and then got all twisted and what he said sounded like an adapted version of Jeremiah 4:22:
"For my people are foolish, they know me not; they are sottish children, and they have no understanding; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge."