I was approached by a BWM rider.....

Old Blue

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Dec 6, 2010
Coastal Bend of Texas
Big Blu said:
I'm in total agreement with you, and for the record currently own an S10 and 2 BMW's. I ride what puts a smile on my face, and I've smiled on most brands.
To me it's such a waste of time to bash other brands and those that ride them. There is nothing special about being an S10 owner, or a BMW owner, or a H-D owner. I'll ride with others on any brand and attend there events because we share a common passion. ::021::

My response, that you quoted above, was aimed at the op who implied that a flashed S10 was somehow superior to a BMW. I've ridden both and say that the LC boxer motor out preforms a flashed S10 hands down, and twice on Sundays.

I read the threads of bashing and demeaning comments and wonder about the elitism attitude here, as S10 owners bash owners of others brands that they seem to think have an elitist attitude. A bit of hypocrisy I'd say. I wonder what drives a person to bash others who share their passion for the sport.....

Good post. Humans are funny in our need for approval/need to be superior.

Heck, even the KLR crowd (of which I was a member) gets uppity about the "value" of their bikes, claiming intellectual superiority over the owners of more expensive, complicated bikes.

We are strange critters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Los Alamos, new Mexico
Oh Sorry I'm just remembering how most of the GSA guys I have crossed paths with give that OH! look when they see the Jap ride did the same when I had my Triumph as well!!
The Airhead guys are a whole other breed, not out to look cool they never snubbed any of us just talked about bikes and tours.. But as Steve put it>>>



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Welsh wizard

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Apr 12, 2013
London uk
::009::As Dallara and Mikey have so ably said, my problem is one of attitude. I am a passionate biker and when I meet another biker I love to chew the fat regardless of what they ride. Indeed when I trained with the East London branch of IAM [ Institute of Advanced Motorcyclists] I met many instructors / observers often ex-coppers, often riding Beemers. It made no difference to them or to me what I rode. They were / are a great bunch of bikers who wanted nothing more than to see me extend my skills and enjoy riding 'briskly' in a more aware fashion. Believe me those guys can ride - and they were a hoot to be with. So plenty of evidence that being a Beemer owner rider doesn't have to turn you into an *&().
Contrast that with my experience last weekend in mid Wales. Having driven up from London to N Wales [fly rod on the bike - bliss]- I was thoroughly enjoying the roads and scenery on my return south and stopped for lunch at a petrol station / cafe at Crossgates near Llandridnod Wells - a well known biker stop. Indeed a sunny Sunday had brought them out and there were a good hundred bikes parked up, including -you guessed it - eight Gs 's including one brand new water cooled one . I parked up fairly close on the S10 [fully loaded and very fly spattered / slightly muddy] got myself a mug of tea and wandered over in that direction, got into conversation with another old git who it turned out was on a very seriously travelled / equipped Honda Transalp on his way back from Ireland and heading back to Hampshire. Very unassuming but clearly knew his onions and had put over a 100k miles on the 'little' Transalp all over Europe and Turkey. He sang the praises of his bike but also it's niggles. Together we turned to examine the new [very handsome] GS and the Gixers around it; smiled and greeted them as fellow bikers - TOTAL Blank!! Cos I'm an amiable fellow I tried again " this new GS really looks the business, i'm fascinated by this idea of turning the engine around" smile politely await response - a shrug - I double check the registration, yes it is a British reg - they do speak English. My new companion [who by the way was dressed in well worn 'adventure gear' fell about laughing "enough already - show me your bike - ended up swapping bikes for a quick spin.
Now I know it's a gross generalisation but not one [of the many] GS riders / groups heading in the opposite direction returned my nod - I just don't get it!!
I will continue to give every rider a nod / greeting - they can't / aren't all be like that.
May 10, 2013
Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras
Dear Dirt,

Hope you had a good experience with the Beemer club. I signed up for a 3 day event with the BMW El Salvador group, but cancelled when they wanted to charge me $150 extra for being a non-member. Just wanted to ride with them, promote comeraderie, have a good time. Went to a 300 bike Hog Fest down in Nicaragua 2 weeks ago with the Harley guys and never experienced the "club" mentality. They said "just come and ride with us....glad to have you along". Guess which scenario I liked better.
Take Care,
Roatan, Honduras