Aroma Therapy


New Member
Oct 11, 2011
Rockport, Ma.
I’m the type of rider that gets out for a ride during the cold season at least once a month as long as the temperature creeps up past 32 and there’s not a lot of salt on the road. Except for this year, this is a rant unto itself. But anyway, one of the things about motorcycling that I enjoy is the smell of the open road; we’re not subjected to the hanging pine tree from the rear view mirror most of the cagers seem to need to control their nasal environment. What’s going on out there at the moment is what we’re going to inhale no matter what. So during these cold season rides the air is void of most smells, almost sterile in its lack of aroma. Fitting, as most of the world during this time of the year is frozen solid. But as the sun starts to warm the smells start to come out from hiding. First it’s the mud; water and dirt when mixed properly have a very unique smell that given enough quantity can fill the air with its thick earthy textures. Then, as things begin to green the flowers will miraculously appear. The Honey Locust is a very early aroma. They seem to grow in groups so once you’ve come upon them the sweetness will hang in the air for quite awhile. The same can be said for Lilacs. And depending on where you’re from I’m sure you have your own unique odors. But to me the most poignant and enjoyable is the smell of manure being turned into a field getting ready to plant. It’s similar to the feeling I get when I swim in the oceans’ salt water. Primeval and womb like. Since I avoid highways like the plague I spend a lot of time riding through the valleys with fields of crops as far as you can see. To catch that point in time when the soil is renewed gives those rows of corn a whole new perspective. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, that’s just a nice way to say we eat shit, we are shit and at some point we’ll end up as some microbes shit, all in all making our own personal contribution to the cycle of life. So, the next time you’re running down the road and encounter a nasal assault, breathe deep, you never know who you might be inhaling……. Hey, anybody smell Jimmy Hoffa lately?


Enjoy the Ride!
2013 Site Supporter
Jun 28, 2012
Ok City, OK
Very uniquely put into words... I will tell you for good or bad, there is nothing like the smell of Highway 50 from SE Colorado through SW Kansas in the heat of the day (100 degrees plus) as you ride towards Dodge City Kansas. (Whew!) The smell of money is strong on that road.... ::025::


New Member
2013 Site Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
Portland, Oregon
Excellent post. We have a similar experience as Spring comes here in Oregon, which has come early this year for change. My favorite is the pungent smell of sage and pinon pine in central and eastern Oregon that is strongest in summer. Just love it.

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