4 years and hit this mark today.
Not a lot new to say after 4 years.
Still the most entertaining bike I have ever owned.
Still the most reliable bike I've ever owned. Yes, the stator thing last year did suck.
Still the most low maintenance bike I've ever owned. To be fair, I did nearly all the work on my 4 Teneres. I've had the shop do everything on this bike.
If you forced me to get rid of all but one bike...this one stays. And I really like my other bikes.
Still unthinkable to give-up this one. No bike has ever been such a perfect match to my desires as a rider. I cannot imagine the day I willingly let it go.
4 years, and 40K miles...and I'm still feeling anticipation every time I swing a leg over it.
I wish all of you the same satisfaction in your favorite ride.