I came back home after 9 fantastic days on Swedish gravel roads a few days ago. I like to share this video of the 3 first days from our trip with you. Sorry that the text in the film is in Norwegian.
Sweden is famous for a lot of open gravel roads all over the country. A great number of adventure bikers from all over Europe is travelling in Sweeden every year because of this. The other bike in the movie is a Honda Africa Twin 1000, owned and driven by my friend. This is our second trip together in Sweden.
In Sweden there are thousands of open shelters anyone can use for free, many of them also with firewood stored to make campfire. There is an app for cellphones to make it easy finding them. Some of the shelters is possible to sleep in, but we normally use our Amok Draumur hammocs with bugnets because of the moskitos. Tents is also normally possible to use close to this shelters.
Enjoy, and please ask me if you have any questions about the movie or the tour.