I'm not sure what the confusion is. The forum has never supported picture uploads in DMs. It has to be already on the web to use it in DM. This is similar for other forum platforms.
Think of it as layers where a forum post is public, but a DM is private, so you don't want to upload there. Sure, it's another layer of function you need to do to share a picture via DM, but this isn't FB and you don't want it to be that.
Thanks for your explanation Eric, I only asked the question as Venture mentioned in post #15 that he was looking into it so I thought I’d ask!
I ass-umed (thanks Sierra1

) that the insert picture icon would allow me to - well insert a picture directly, as opposed to using the insert a link icon next to it.
You are of course correct that I don’t want it to be like FB here, I don’t use it or any of the other social media bollocks.
Might there not be occasions though where you don’t want to host a picture on the WWW ( with the possible security/ IP issues that come with hosting it online) so you can DM it to someone else?
That’s where being able to attach it directly would be more appropriate.
Of course if it increases forum hosting costs or site maintenance I totally understand why the functionality is inoperable. I am in awe that a site like this can actually operate without subscriptions or advertising and would like to thank all who are involved for their time and effort in making it so.