Fantastic day for a ride around Mt Hood


Feb 26, 2012
Sandy, OR
I needed to get some much needed alone time in, so I pointed my bike out toward 224 from Sandy. It's really early in the year, but I had heard that FR 4610 was passable due to the lack of snow we've gotten this year, so I had to check it out for myself. Once on FR 4610, the OHV area was swimming with dirt bikes. I kept my head on a swivel as these guys don't typically ride with others in mind. Just out of the OHV area, I ran into this, just off the side of the road. I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.

I continued climbing and ran into a road covered in snow with ruts carved in it. If I had been with someone else, I probably would've soldiered on, but I've had my fair share of getting my 600lb bike stuck in snow and opted to turn around. My goal was to at least make it to "the slip", but that will have to probably wait for another few weeks or so. Only having been gone an hour or so, I decided to try to see if I could make it to one of my other favorite places, Hideaway Lake. I took Pipeline Road, which seems to have gotten a fresh load of heavy, loose gravel. Not the most fun stuff to muscle a big bike around. A quick stop at one of my favorite little waterfalls up there, Lynn Falls.

Lots of fishermen at Lake Harriet along Pipeline Rd. I continued on to where Pipeline dumps out to FR57 and then took a left onto FR58 and headed up the hill. I took the road to Hideaway lake, and where I had been turned around by snow a few weeks ago, there was none to be found all the way there.

Pulled into one of the campground spots and walked down to the lake to eat my lunch. After a nice break, I headed back to FR58, determined to make it up to High Rocks, not believing I'd get there and be turned around by snow. Luckily, there was none to be found, and I pulled into a nice scenic vista to snap a few pics.

At this point it was getting close to dinner time, so I headed back to town and fired up the BBQ. Couldn't ask for a better day to be out riding and putting miles on the beast.

GPX attached.

