Recent content by AKSapper

  1. A

    How old are you Super Ten rider?

    Bought my tractor last Fall, when I was 59. 60yo now.
  2. A

    British Dispatch Rider Vest

    Anyone have a lead on a retro/replica of a WWII British Motorcycle Dispatch rider long leather vest? Had a sheepskin lining and came down to mid thigh. First saw one on the Sgt in "The Third Man" with Orson Wells. Later saw an original in a museum.
  3. A

    New from Alaska

    :) Just purchased a 2013 in Colorado. I will be putting new tires on it and taking off for a month on the road, in Colorado/Wyoming, maybe down to Las Vegas. End of the month be in Bellingham Washington or Prince Rupert BC to load onto an Alaskan ferry to get home. Recently diagnosed with...