New member in UK


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Second pair of Roadstars just back from factory, new soles and gearchange pads as with other pair, slightly cheaper for some reason!! Should be good for the rest of my riding days. The older pair got a trip to Normandy last month, with a really wet first day from the Tunnel to Abbeville, Les Andeleys and Evreux, and stayed nice n dry, so well pleased.


Sep 9, 2019
Folkestone UK
Second pair of Roadstars just back from factory, new soles and gearchange pads as with other pair, slightly cheaper for some reason!! Should be good for the rest of my riding days. The older pair got a trip to Normandy last month, with a really wet first day from the Tunnel to Abbeville, Les Andeleys and Evreux, and stayed nice n dry, so well pleased.
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I have a pair of road stars in desperate need of the same service. How long does it take to get them, and do they have to go back to Germany? Also how much do they charge?


Staff member
Global Moderator
Dec 10, 2017
bridgend, Wales, UK
We’re considering doing one. Maybe save up for our 60th birthdays.
i,m back up there nov 4th for the bonfire night display, there taxing the lanc, in the day and night time and the mosquito bomber, when its dark up there with the celerbrations going on and with hog roast and fires seeing the lanc fire up and being close is superb, i travel from s wales to lincoln, for there firework november display quite alot



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Daytona now have a statement on their website that repairs should go through an english agent, but this will add cost and delay to it all, and the likelyhood that they might refuse if your boots are older than they’d like to work on. Personally I’d ignore that and just download the form, stick that in with the boots and send them direct. I wouldn’t even email them with pics, again thats only so they can pick n choose which jobs to accept. Once they’re there I really don’t see them refusing the work, they didn’t with mine even though they initially said the older pair were to old, I sent them anyway and they did them.
They wouldn’t replace liners on either of mine. The soles and gearchange pads totalled under the £150 import duty limit. No idea whatnew zips would add cost wise and would probably incur import duty if total then exceeds the £150 limit.
But the way I saw it, the boots are worthless unless they’re repaired. If not repaired then it’s new boots and the bin for these. So only loss would be the £14 post charge to Germany.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
i,m back up there nov 4th for the bonfire night display, there taxing the lanc, in the day and night time and the mosquito bomber, when its dark up there with the celerbrations going on and with hog roast and fires seeing the lanc fire up and being close is superb, i travel from s wales to lincoln, for there firework november display quite alot

Unfortunately I’ll be in Valencia on the 4th. Hard life int it


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Finally managed to get the cover back on my Touratech seat. I bought it cheap with the post broken off. It was also I believe a low version. So having to remove the cover and foam to fix the post I took the opertunity to add some extra memory foam. But then stumbled, unable to staple the cover back on. I’ve a pretty decent electric stapler, but even stainless steel staples wouldn’t penatrate the hard base. I was also struggling to stretch the cover over the extra layers of foam.
So I popped the cover to a mate who’s handy with a commercial sewing machine. He added an extra strip of black vinyl around the edge of the cover. And this afternoon I’ve fitted this to the base using pop rivets with stainless washers under the heads. IMG_3296.jpeg
Not the tidiest job, but hopefully it’ll stay in place. IMG_3295.jpeg
Few weeks back I also found a matching pillion seat for the wife. Hopefully she’ll find it an improvement too. Won’t find out till next year though, she’s not likely to join me in the colder months. IMG_3297.jpeg
Off to France and Spain next week. So it’ll get a good 2000 mile test…..


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Not posted on here for a while. The Tenere did Spain in November as per 2022. Not long after getting home it turned 24001miles as I got home onto my drive, think it was at the end of November. So I sorned her, gave her a good wash and buried her back in the garage.
I‘ve been using my Pan over Christmas, doing a Boxing day ride to Bournemouth and a NYD ride to Happisburgh in Norfolk. A recent local club ride in attrotious conditions left it looking like this once home….ooooops :rolleyes:IMG_3508.jpeg
So this morning I took my old GS for an MOT. Since buying the Tenere it’s seen little use and ran out of MOT last April. The battery had died, so I had to fit a new one along with a new ignition switch loom and swap the sat nav mount for my new XT too. Really enjoyed riding her over to my mot man, forgot how good she is, especially considering she’s only an 850. She passed with no advisories, but I was shocked to see I’d only done 40 mile since the last test, and 19 of that would be the ride home….I possibly even went a longer way that day. Anyway, I’ve now taxed her and will use her on my IAM day tomorrow. IMG_0391.jpeg
The Tenere will return in April. We’re off to Wales again for Easter, got another day with Mick Extance booked too. Need to get my FJR sold next though. And then possibly selling the Pan too. Time to get my Bird back on the road……….

Longdog Cymru

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
Swansea, Wales, UK
Sent my older pair of Daytina boots back to Germany just before our holiday. Needed new soles and gearchange pads, and possibly liners. However they said they’re too old for liners, quite why I’m not sure as they’re still a current model?? Anyway, they arrived back today looking rather nice. £146 for the repairs inc post etc, plus the £14 to post over. View attachment 104160
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I was wondering how you made the payment? Was it bank transfer direct to Daytona after you sent the boots or did they contact you after receiving the boots? Next question; who did you send your boots with, Post Office, Parcelforce or someone else? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
I was wondering how you made the payment? Was it bank transfer direct to Daytona after you sent the boots or did they contact you after receiving the boots? Next question; who did you send your boots with, Post Office, Parcelforce or someone else? Thanks.
Answering in reverse order as it’s relevent. I just used Evri. I know they’re not well liked but I’ve had no issues with them, it’s easy to book and I’ve a local Mace store within walking diatance to drop them off at. £14 iirc. Being German owned makes me think they should know how to get them there, although that might be wishful thinking!!
Once they recieve them they will send you a quote which you reply to. Once done they send an invoice in an email requesting payment. I used my Metro account as they do international transfers for just a few pence charge. The boots arrived within the week.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
So todays club ride using my Old GS was a round trip of just over 105 miles. I’m an observer with my local IAM group, my current associate being my best mate/man who has returned to the club after retiring from the local police force. He only needs polishing for test, but with a still busy life we don’t get out often enough, but he is getting there. IMG_3546.pngIMG_3544.png
And as for the old girl, I seriously forgot just how good these early GSs are. I’d have to admit that if I could only have one bike in the garage I would struggle to decide between this GS and my S10. The ten might just inch it, but probably just because the GS runs out of puff on longer runs, especially if there‘s an element of motorway or autoroute. That’s when the 1100\1150s with their longer gearing come out better. But for every other ride this old girl does it all with ease and some serious enjoyment. There really is something to be said for having to rag the nuts out of a motor to get the best from it. Real visceral involvement and connection with the machine. Full grin factor…… And all for so little financial investment.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Another morning out on my GS today. Popped over to Saffron Walden to Hideouts to get two of my Halvarssons jackets altered a little. I love these jackets, hence I now own 4 of them, but they all suffer from rediculous short strips of velcro to close the flap over the zip that leaves room for rain and wind to get through the zip a little too easily. So I’ve now had them all replaced with a full length velcro. The difference is very noticable. And another fun ride in crappy conditions again though. Supposed to be doing a ride to south wales on Sunday. Forecast looks pretty reasonable, so as long as there’s no frost first thing I’ll join in. Was going to use my Pan, but I might just stick with this old girl.IMG_3551.jpeg
New product Kates offering, I really like the idea.IMG_3550.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
IMG_3558.jpegAnother 300 mile day out to South Wales today to Baffle Haus cafe near Abergeveny. Cracking ride with a group of 7 other guys, mostly on newish GSs, me on my ‘classic’ GS as one chap called it
Early start, still pretty dark when I set off.
There was at least one Tenere with us……


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Just back from another Easter in Wales with our Moho, towing the bike behind. This year we decided to stay on the mainland rather than Angelsey. So we stopped for the week at a site just outside Portmadoc. I was going to take the Tenere, but going on the 30th meant taxing it for just two days of March as well as April, plus it was buried at the back of the garage behind my Pan, so at the last minute we decided to just take my old GS.
It was bad enough that I had to Tax the moho for the last two days of March as well as April.
Tuesday saw me having another day at the MickExtance offroad school.
My third vist and probably the best one. During the early part of the day they set us to a challenge of a slowest rider competition, the two slowest got the prize of being allowed to try Adam Extances new Stark 60kw electric bike. Oddly the two experienced road riders won through, one being me. So after lunch Adam ignored my protestations that I had no interest in anything EV and pushed me onto it.
I had a good hour or so on it, and tbh it was fun. The instant power is great, even though I was kind of only allowed to try it in Mode1, which gave only 30% power and about 40% regeneration. Mode5 gave 100% and about 80%, although all modes were infinitely adjustable. I thought the bike would have been heavier, but it didn’t feel much different to the Beta 300s. I will say though, that it was a lot easier to ride, as there‘s no gears or clutch, it’s more like a scooter with both brakes on the bars, although this model can be ordered with a std rear brake. But for me this is the issue, I don’t want it easier to ride. As with any bike I want to be the main input, I want to be what makes the decisions and effects what the bike does. It’s one reason why I chose a Tenere, I just didn’t want all the rider aids that are becoming the norm on BMWs and KTMs.
There was plenty of banter, especially when I initially refused to let the next guy have a go. Adam thought he‘d got a convert, but it’ll never happen, especially as its a £10k bike, nearly double the price of the Betas. They have tested something like 5 brands of EV offroaders, this is the only one that lasts a full day up on their trails and still has about 30% battery left. Adam races it in an EV class and says it can do a full race with again about 30% left. He‘s also just bought a TransitE van to haul it around in and also has an 80Kw model on order. Give it a few years and most of their bikes will be EVs. Hopefully I’ll have found myself a CRF or Wr250 so I can take my own bike instead of hiring theirs.
I did find turning it on a right faff though. Three buttons on the left grip, one that had to held for a few seconds supposedly turned it on, which it kind of did, Adam said then press the up button, but this just seemed to turn it off again. While waiting for others to ride sections of the trails it would go to sleep, so when it was time to setoff I was struggling to get it to go again. Sounds about normal for me and technology. ‍♂
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
Whilst in Wales we had a day on the Ffestiniog railway, the wife paid to go in the first class observation carraige. Not cheap, but more comfy and with better views, and we got to see the engine up close on the return leg.IMG_3691.jpeg
Thursday we had a day at Portmeion. I had actually booked an afternoon tea at the Hotel Portmerion for the wife, which included entry to the town which made it good value.
Got a little damp on the ride back to base. The start of Storm Kathrine. This kept us sheltering in the Moho most of Friday. A brief calmer period allowed us to run into Portmadoc for a Tesco shop, although a big gust of wind on the way nearly had us off the bike. Saturday didn’t improve and the forecast showed us firmly in the eye of the bad weather, so we decided our time was up and we planned to head home Sunday, a day earlier than planned, after a carvery lunch in the pub opposite the camp site.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2021
Bedfordshire, England
So on the Sunday morning we got chatting to the main campsite warden. She lost her husband to covid in 21. He was a long time GS owner and she mentioned she’d not managed to sell his trailer. Turned out to be a motolug and at the asking price I couldn’t refuse it. Getting it home was interesting, main bits got strapped each side of the GS and the Axle/wheel units went in the Moho’s loo…
So for the third time I own a motolug. Needs wheel bearings and possibly tyres. Its an early all galvanised version, which I prefer to the later very poorly painted ones.
I bought my first from a UKGSER member in Bedford in around 2010/11. A few years on another member enquired about modifying one so it could be towed by a bike. He was living in a moho, had a 4x4 car and an old bmw bike. But every 21 days had to move camp sites. He needed to tow the bike to the new site, then tow the trailer by the bike back to the old site to then return using the 4x4 to tow the bike.
He came to me and we worked out that with some extra brackets to hold the axle with the main channel folded and a narrower axle it could work, so he bought mine off me.
A few months later he popped round on the bike towing the newly modified trailer. It all worked as planned.
So Monday afternoon I had a play with it, got the main channel out, folded it out and….

These seem familiar.
Also has the brackets for the light board to be mounted to the axle too
So it looks like it got sold on and ended up in Wales, and by chance we stayed on the site run by this owner and I’ve ended up buying it back. It’s missing the narrower axle that allows it to be towed by a bike. Not a feature many would need mind.
What are the odds on that eh? Strange world we live in……
Anyway, the wheel bearings aren’t as bad as she suggested, so Friday I’ll be using it to take the Pan to my MILs near Doncaster, where I’ll be stopping the night, leaving my van with the trailer safely packed in the back, and then heading to Durham on the Pan to meet up with my usual crowd for two days riding around the borders area, returning south on Monday via the Peaks and Dales where I’ll have to divert back to the MILs to reload and head home. Should be fun.
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