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  1. bimota

    New member intro

    warm welcome from S Wales UK Rob
  2. bimota

    New rider

    welcome from S Wales UK Rob
  3. bimota

    New to the Adventure Bike World

    warm welcome from S Wales UK Rob
  4. bimota

    Im fairly sure I'm not a robot.

    warm welcome Sam from S Wales UK Rob
  5. bimota

    Dash filler panels

    THREAD LOCKED as there are 2 identical threads cheers Rob
  6. bimota

    Utah, Here We Come!

    WOW OMG the scenery in those pictures are WOW what a great place to ride stunning Rob
  7. bimota

    Tell me what you really think.

    yep yamaha xt660z loads of them about in the UK
  8. bimota

    Hello from NorCal

    warm welcome from S Wales UK Rob
  9. bimota

    The anything thread.

    we get a SPARROW HAWK thats in the woods behind the fence in our garden, regular going in the bird feeding house and getting the smaller local birds for dinner, he regular just sat on the fence rob
  10. bimota

    The anything thread.

    just to think the RED KITE was a very rare bird back in the day, i think here in Wales we have quite a few feeding stations now heres one up the road from me rob
  11. bimota

    I got one

    warm welcome from S Wales UK Rob
  12. bimota

    The anything thread.

  13. bimota

    New Owner

    warm welcome from S Wales UK Rob
  14. bimota

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    can,t remember the paperwork is away somewhere 7 yrs ago lol, you don,t gain horse power 2-3 thats it but massive torque curve but the restriction on the first 3 gears being removed is what its all about rob
  15. bimota

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    my ecu was flashed a very long time ago on a dyno for 4-5 hrs with arrow headers and yoshi can as well i can honestly say in 10 years i,ve never put it in T mode
  16. bimota

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    the white ones are the fastest anyway rob
  17. bimota

    favourite pic of your bike:-)

    gs arrived.
  18. bimota

    Brake pads

    i have run on the front oem pads twice now but expensive i have run oem on the back twice but now run on the back EBC ORGANIC, the next fronts will be EBC as well as boris on here runs them on the front and they have a better bite, i never used them on the frontb as a few have said there wear...
  19. bimota

    as per the rules...

  20. bimota

    New owner

    warm welcome from S Wales UK Rob